
31 October, 2016

Assign Tasks to Others in Google Docs, Slides and Sheets!

Did you know that you can now assign tasks to others within a Google Doc, Sheet or Slide?  Simply highlight any text and then click the comment icon.  In the comment box, enter the @ or + sign and the email address of the person you want to assign the task to.  When their name appears, click the box "assign task" and they will receive an email notifying them of the increased workload.   This is a really handy feature to use in any situation where you're planning a project or organising others to complete their part of a task. In your classroom, you could use a Google Doc not just to outline a list of tasks to be completed, but also assign those parts to individuals and groups of students. Students working collaboratively on a group presentation in Slides can assign sections of the presentation to each other. Likewise, if you use Docs as a means of taking minutes from meetings, you can assign action items to members of your team to complete and they can check them off once completed. See the attached screenshots and the link for details on how this works. So, how might you be able to use a feature like this? Feel free to post your comments below.

17 October, 2016

Digital Citizenship Week Tip: Logging Out of Chrome

As it's Digital Citizenship Week, I thought I'd share some of the tips, tricks and resources I'm sending out staff and students, here on the blog. Today's tip - how to log out of Chrome.

Chrome is a web browser you likely use to surf the web and access your Google accounts.  I love Chrome because it's always up to date and I don't have to have my own device to access my bookmarks and extensions. Just sign in and it's all at hand instantly.

Unfortunately, while it’s an incredibly convenient and powerful tool, there are so many students who often make the mistake of leaving themselves signed in, thus leaving themselves and their data open to others.  To prevent this from happening all students must know how to:
  • Sign themselves out, and
  • Remove their account

Click here for a quick screencast showing you how to securely sign out and remove your account profile.  

Also as a reminder, if you notice that someone else has left themselves signed in, be a good digital citizen and do them a favour:   sign-them out and remove their profile.